Benefits of Hypnotherapy

      Conscious Uncoupling

Conscious uncoupling has become a new buzz word recently due to celebrity use of the term conscious uncoupling to describe a way to break up amicably. Beyond celebrity status, is the idea that leaving a partner of 1 year or 20 years is a conscious choice, realizing you are different people than when you once met and became a couple.

We all have the propensity to grow up in life, career and so on, but realize that many people do so at different rates and even direction. So what once made sense, may seem almost foreign at some point down the road. Another part of the problem lies in that our subconscious mind set as that has us being with that partner forever or as the vows say “till death do us part”.

Coming to terms with a partner to consciously uncouple, may take a little getting used to, but more so looking at new beliefs and removing old, unwanted, subconscious thinking about what a relationship is and how long it should last. Hypnotherapy & Coaching can help you remove those blocks, deal with anger, resentment and other negative emotions but also allow you to have joy, peace and balance in your decision to do conscious uncoupling.

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The Core Question has a way of releasing the layers of onion skin to get to the core of who you are, and bringing your best self forward to attain your truest desires. .. I often recommend this book to my clients of all ages
Ilise - Tucson, AZ
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Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein