Benefits of Hypnotherapy

      Phobias in General

Phobias are often misunderstood and are generally quite different from fears. A fear is something real and usually based on an actual event that your mind has made an association with danger in any given situation. The memory or reoccurrence of a similar event then triggers your fear mechanism.

A phobia on the other hand is generally an imagined or made-up fear that usually has no traceable causes. It has somehow developed from some subtle even unknown event that your subconscious remembers and takes exception to - that generally gets worse over time.

The imagined fear or phobia is by far more common in our ever changing world of outside stimulus. At some point, what was once a small reaction to some kind of stimulus, becomes something much bigger even an out of control feeling. Hypnotherapy can readily be used to lessen the association your subconscious mind has made with some unknown event or stimulus and relieve those unwanted feelings and symptoms associated with your phobic reaction.

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The chapters are short, succinct, and force you to start thinking about yourself as an individual-also, it is one of the few books of this type which has reflections at the end of each chapter which cause one to figure out how to attain what you truly want out of life.
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Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.
George Bernard Shaw