Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Personal Growth:
      Improve Golf

A great golf game is generally based on three things:

  1. Physical conditioning
  2. Skills - natural and learned
  3. Mental attitude

What’s interesting to note is that many people who are serious about golf may use a physical trainer for #1, a golf pro for #2 whereas #3 falls somewhere in between. It’s true, a golf pro and a trainer may be able to assist you with mental attitude, but why not use someone, who works with just that?

Golf is also a game of consistency and you game can easily be derailed for some small thing – if your mental attitude doesn’t bring you back. Hypnotherapy is very good at strengthening you mental attitude and removing such blocks like, I’m not good enough, I can’t win, they are better than me and so on.

These things are often buried in your subconscious, so even if you don’t think of those consciously, there is often a self-sabotaging part of us that lies hidden, deep down waiting to pounce upon you before you make it to the finish line/winners circle.

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If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
Jim Rohn